Bendy Snake

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How to make a Bendy Snake

You'll need:

  • Toilet Tissue Rolls
  • Green or Yellow Paint
  • Felt Tip Pens
  • Scissors
  • Paper Fasteners
  • Googly Eyes
  • Satin Ribbon
  • PVA Glue

How to make a bendy snake.

  1. Take some Toilet Tissue Rolls and paint them Green or Yellow.

  2. Draw some scales on the bendy snake using Felt Tip Pens.

  3. This is an optional step, where you can cut your bendy snake symmetrically.

  4. Attach paper fasteners on the bendy snake.

  5. Stick the Googly Eyes and the Satin Ribbon as a tongue.

And your Bendy Snake is ready to scare others!